“I encountered a consequence of this dysfunctional dynamic on a local level in early 2020, when the homeowner’s association in my neighborhood in Los Angeles closed the nearby park after receiving a report that several small children were seen rolling on the grass. To make the park safe, the entire ground was sprayed with a disinfectant.” – United States of Fear
After two years of unscientific mask mandates, the predictable results are starting to come in. As reported in a West Palm Beach newscast, therapists from the Speech and Learning Institute in Southern Florida have witnessed a startling increase in babies and toddlers with irregular and delayed speech problems. Now, a newly published CDC developmental checklist has extended the age when children should be meeting milestones, as in speaking a certain number of words or phrases. Instead of acknowledging the lag resulting from Coronavirus measures, public health officials are simply changing the goalposts, something they have done incessantly with COVID terms since the start of the pandemic. Lockdowns created unusual isolation for small children while masking hid facial expressions, actions necessary for their proper development. The grim results have been a delay in childhood language and overall speech problems.
With the subsiding of the virus and its corresponding mandates, a debriefing of government interventions shows little regard for science. We’ve since discovered that the six-foot-distancing requirements were completely arbitrary, while cloth masks provided little to no protection from transmission. And vaccines did not provide the necessary immunity to return Americans back to work. Making these spurious policies more performative than empirical, yet at the same time, creating the necessary fear to keep the mania going.
Even early on, irrational fears surpassed the threat from the virus itself, with few of the government mandates based in reality. We knew from the beginning that older individuals with comorbidities were driving COVID deaths, while the young and healthy had little if any risk themselves. Yet, health officials used masking, chronic testing, and mandatory vaccines, to make us believe that the virus was worse than it actually was.
Where the medical community failed, the media made it worse. Desperate to gain viewers and increase online clicks, the corporate press used COVID misinformation to raise doubts. Coverage first began with a dramatic death counter chyron that scrolled incessantly across the bottom of the TV screen. When those numbers weren’t compelling enough, they switched to hospitalizations, then cases, and finally vaccination rates. Increased panic drove calls for more extreme measures to control the spread of what became a self-perpetual cycle of fear, statistics, and mandates. Then, by stifling opposing views, audiences were given only one carefully crafted set of facts on which to focus their fears.
Ironically, it was the elites who developed a fear of leaving their homes, creating a contradiction between the laptop class who remained isolated, and the rank and file who continued their slog at restaurants, delivery services, and big box stores. The upper class had the luxury of indulging their increasing neurosis, while the working class had no such luxury.
In Mark McDonald’s 2021 book, “United States of Fear”, psychiatrist McDonald reveals how irrational fear over the pandemic, with the collective deceit of the corporate media and public health officials, drove the ensuing psychosis. Allowing differing explanations and debates about treatments would have given voice to rational alternatives and may have soothed some of the ongoing concerns. While McDonald agrees that reasonable fear is good and necessary, unbridled anxiety can cripple progress by blurring reality. When that happens, individual delusion mutates and spreads to the rest of society.
As McDonald notes, women are biologically more susceptible to anxiety than men. This is due in part to hormonal changes from birth control pills, pregnancy, menopause, and more, that women experience throughout their lives. With women more than twice as likely to take medication for anxiety than men, the pandemic had a disproportionate effect on them. As we found out all too well, the government need not enable a gaggle of enforcers to their baseless mandates, as the psychosis itself raised an army of Karens. Instead, double and triple-vaxxed and masked hall monitors took it upon themselves to surveil malls, planes, and city parks for non-compliers.
McDonald also looks at how radical feminism has negatively impacted the male-female relationship, along with the roles that dads and moms play in their children’s development. Under traditional male roles, men are the protectors and calmers of women, while women are first-line guardians of the children. New ideas of gender roles have instead emasculated men to the point of declining testosterone, the very thing that makes men masculine. Now masculinity is considered toxic, resulting in men abandoning their biological blueprint, and their subsequent duties.
We can now acknowledge that the pandemic was less of a medical crisis and more of a mental health event. Using misinformation, censorship, and government overreach, the pandemic extended well beyond what was rational and scientific. And no one was happier to see those fears increase than politicians, who use every opportunity (and every crisis) to gain more power. Perhaps, their sick plan from the very beginning.