“When they saw the emperor at last, they could not believe their eyes. The people began to whisper to one another. But no one had the courage to say anything out loud.” – The Emperor’s New Clothes
In November 2022, a provocative new documentary called, “Died Suddenly”, was released online detailing the growing number of young adults who have died unexpectedly worldwide following the mass rollout of the COVID vaccines. This presentation follows on the heels of reports from several US life insurance companies revealing a 40 percent increase in non-COVID deaths beginning in 2021. Whether struck down by heart attacks or taken while sleeping safely in their beds at night, the alarming death rates for working adults between the ages of 18 and 64 continue with little to no media attention.
At the same time, embalmers unable to get fluids into cadavers, found instead, strange white fibrous clots, a new unexplained phenomenon. Yet, despite the unprecedented and growing evidence, including increases in embolisms, myocarditis, bell’s palsy, miscarriages, and birth defects, the healthcare industry, and vaccine manufacturers refuse to discuss the growing crisis. Republicans attempted to bring light to the matter, when Senator Ron Johnson in January 2022, hosted an event with Department of Defense whistleblowers uncovering evidence of massive increases in cancer for service members following their COVID vaccination.
For the few public health officials, doctors, and academics willing to speak out on the topic, they often hid their identity in the shadows, fearful of ridicule, or even losing their careers. For the rest, turning a blind eye to wrongdoing rather than risking their livelihood, they simply went along with the crowd, afraid to take a position that might go against popular opinion. And like the proverbial elephant in the room, too many refused to point out what was quickly becoming obvious. Unfortunately, the corporate press has been successful in training its audience to accept their so-called experts who advance a carefully crafted narrative that few are willing to see beyond. For now, responding to the “see something say something” trope is a potential life-altering event.
In Hans Christian Andersen’s 1837 folk classic, “The Emperor’s New Clothes”, Andersen tells the tale of a powerful emperor who falls for a scam. Known as a sharp-dressed man, the royal leader was always looking for new tailors to prepare him special clothes, but instead, unknowingly, met up with a couple of swindlers. While their looms remained empty, no one dared to point out the obvious, not even the emperor himself. Then at the annual parade, the townspeople went along with the con, until a child revealed the obvious, the king was wearing no clothes at all. No longer able to remain silent, the adults had to admit that although they knew all along that their ruler was naked, they said nothing. Appropriate for children ages 3-12, this enduring tale echoes the importance of courage and doing what’s right, even when it may not be popular.
It’s not surprising that a child ends up being the unlikely voice of reason as children perceive the truth and are unafraid to express it. The young will verbalize their thoughts without restraints, having not yet learned the fear of standing alone. “Out of the mouths of babes” is a similar sentiment that shows how their innocent insight is free of judgment.
George Orwell is attributed with saying, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act”. It’s now obvious that our country’s elites are never going to admit they were wrong about COVID treatments, mandates, or the vaccine. But as is usually the case, the truth eventually finds its way out. While some who could not see the deceit, are starting to acknowledge that they were wrong, in today’s climate of misinformation, too many are still afraid to speak up and question the prevailing narrative.
With nearly 70 percent of the world’s population receiving a COVID-19 vaccination, we need to prepare for the coming fallout. It will take independent critical thinking and a strong backbone to be the unpopular truthteller. Had we allowed for constructive arguments and debate over contradictory theories about COVID at the beginning, we would never have found ourselves in this position. Families who lost loved ones, and so many others who are vaccine-injured have a right to be compensated for their trust in public health officials. Until we do, there can be little confidence in our medical community in the years to come.