“The feminist cry to smash the patriarchy accidentally smashed the matriarchy instead.” – Domestic Extremist
In 1986, comedienne Roseanne Barr began her comedy career with the joke: “I hate the word housewife; I don't like the word homemaker either. I want to be called Domestic Goddess.” As the sexual revolution continued to change the role of women in society, the age-old fairy tale of growing up to fall in love, get married, and raise a family quickly became a relic of the past. Instead, by convincing women that their purpose was outside the family, and not in it, the results have been an end to the nuclear family as we know it.
Yet, all these decades later, the bill of goods that the feminists sold, has resulted not in the liberation from the marriage trap, but in single, childless misery. To fight the patriarchy, women were transformed from chaste, modest, and feminine girls, to clones of their male counterparts, trying to match body counts one dismal night after another. Now, women no longer need a piece of paper to fulfil their destiny as they increasingly bypass marriage for cohabitation with one suitor after another, inadvertently driving up divorce rates for the diminishing few who eventually take the fateful leap.
In Peachy Keenan’s 2023 book, “Domestic Extremist”, Keenan looks to win the culture war by returning women to their innate roles as the Mrs. of house and home. To do so requires a return to two-parent households, choosing marriage and family over careers, at least while the children are young. Written for the American woman, Keenan hopes to convince enough women to recognize their inherent place in traditional family life.
Feminism was the first cultural phenomenon to blur the lines between men and women, compelling women to act more like men, in dress, lifestyle, and career goals. To make matters more equal, men were then detoxed of their masculinity and bullied into accepting their new roles as passive bystanders with little discernible value.
Instead, it is the newly minted matriarchy that is breeding toxicity in women in its attempt to free them from their oppression. Birth control, egg harvesting, and abortion on demand allow women to subdue their natural instincts for motherhood and put children on hold. With frozen embryos, sperm banks, and a government willing and able to support them, men have become virtually unnecessary. Demoting men to beta status has resulted in lower marriage rates, higher occasions of single-parent homes, and the surrendering of children to surrogates.
Children are then funneled into an education system that has become aggressive in its politicization and sexualization of children. Some will even vax your child or change their gender/name without your permission or approval. Fortunately, COVID lockdowns opened the eyes of many previously disinterested parents, after viewing their children’s lessons for the first time. This led to several parent groups, namely, Mothers for Liberty, who formed to battle progressive liberalism in government schools. Unsurprisingly, the leftist advocacy group, the Southern Poverty Law Center, has labeled the parent group, a hate group for refusing to accept their libertine scheme.
To take the family back, Keenan believes women must reclaim their God-given natures and begin to use dating strictly as a vehicle to find a suitable husband. Then, by rejecting overpopulation propaganda, proceed to have as big a family as possible. These newly transformed domestic extremists must regain their parental roles, wrestling back control from daycare providers and public school teachers. Their boys must be retaught the virtue of masculinity, while their girls take back their nature of femininity. By bucking the progressive trend, women can play a leading role in the return to the traditional values of hearth and home.
The Bible envisioned a very different role for women than feminists would have you believe. Rather than subservient companions, women are described as strong, thrifty, with wisdom and good judgment. They are not simply housewives and homemakers, but valued partners to their husbands as managers on the home front. They are, indeed, domestic goddesses, the new radical rage against the feminist machine. With determination and persistence, we can indeed return to a time long past. To recapture the way we once were.